Tags: Gallery

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Playground Heritage Building. Galeri Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta Pusat. Design by Mahatta
Mahatta Risang Satriadi by Mahatta Risang Satriadi
You can get to know, learn and art activism in this gallery Playground. Galeri Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta Pusat Playground. Galeri Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta Pusat Playground. Galeri Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta Pusat
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Mahatta Risang Satriadi by Mahatta Risang Satriadi
This Lobby represents the face of my design concept, which it is able to present a modern gallery and a main gate to seeing about development of art, design and cultures in Indonesia Main Lobby Heritage Building, Galeri Nasional Indonesia. Design by Mahatta Receptionist, Galeri Nasional Indonesia. Design by Mahatta Media Center, Galeri Nasional Indonesia.…
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On Display, Blurring the Lines Between Art and the Observer
Max Natanek by Max Natanek
This vertical art gallery explores the relationship between art and the observer, and calls into question who, or what, is truly is "On Display." On Display, Blurring the Lines Between Art and the Observer - 1/4"=1' scale model of On Display, Blurring the Lines Between Art and the Observer, Max Natanek 2016 - Rendering On…
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